Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bad Worship Songs...

Hey Everyone!  Thanks so much for checking out the blog.

I have been writing a lot lately for the upcoming full-length album.  I am always looking for ways to make my writing deeper and grounded in the Word.  A big challenge that can come up is trying to make sure that the lyrics are clear and true without being too wordy or rushed.  At the same time you have to not allow any song sound too familiar with another one of your songs or any other song for that matter.  It can be a very complicated and frustrating process.

I was reading a blog by Chad Brown just the other day.  (Chad works for the Discipleship program at CIY)  Chad highlighted a great article written just for worship leaders and songwriters.  This article does a great job of expressing some tactics that should be AVOIDED when writing worship songs.  Please don't read this article and think that it is full of things that you should do, because IT IS NOT!!!  You can click here for the article.

I hope you enjoy and learn from this article.


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